Examiner: Miley Cyrus, her big brother Trace, and the importance of sibling relationships

13 08 2009

miley-trace(Photo Via ‘The Insiders’)

When Miley Cyrus arrives in town on September 16 for a concert in the Tacoma Dome, her big brother Trace, and his band, Metro Station, will be with her to provide an opening act. Both siblings are excited about the show and about working together. Back in June Miley even Tweeted that it was going to be the “DOPEST TOUR OF ALL HISTORY!!!!!” While it isn’t uncommon for siblings to be as close as Miley and Trace, it’s also just as common for teenage siblings to argue and proclaim that they’ll “hate each other forever.”

Sibling rivalry is as old as Cain and Abel, and while it’s perfectly natural for siblings to disagree and argue, parents can help prevent arguments from escalating into lifelong, bitter rivalries. This page from North Dakota State University offers tips parents can use to help foster good relationships, such as creating “alone time” with each child, praise and setting boundaries (and sticking to them).

The fact that Miley and Trace Cyrus appear to be on very good terms (he’s been quoted as saying, “She thinks I’m one of the coolest brothers she can have because I have tattoos and I’m in a band but I don’t think she realizes that I have like the coolest sister in the world”) illustrates a few things. One is that their parents have obviously played an important role in keeping the family strong and together.

Another is that teens themselves are smart and capable enough to recognize why there might be conflict with a sibling and just how wonderful a good relationship with a sister or brother can be. This is a hugely transitional period of life for teens, and changes in the brain at this time often make it difficult for teens to control emotions and use good judgment. So while teens can recognize their behavior after the fact, they sometimes can’t control it. Both teens and parents need to understand this and make allowances within the boundaries set by parents. Teens, you may hate your sibling today, but you may also know you won’t tomorrow. Learn how to walk away from conflict until both parties have had time to cool down.

Cultivating and working on a good relationship with a sibling (or at least a generous tolerance) that can carry on into adulthood has lifelong benefits. This page from Ohio State University points out that adult siblings who are on good terms show “higher life satisfaction and lower rates of depression in old age.” Whatever you may think of Miley Cyrus as a role model for girls, she and her brother Trace are good role models for sibling relationships. Even for those who don’t have a rock star for a sibling.

Source- Examiner



4 responses

13 08 2009
timber frame shed

Glad I came back to this site some new very interesting items which I wanted to know more about. Great work on your site.

16 07 2010

wow miley i am a big fan but i never knew you had a big sis and a big bro =0 wow

16 07 2010

omg grl i never new you had a big bro wow

16 07 2010

wow miley i have 3 kids and there big fans and they did not know im only 29 one of my kids are 10,then another one that is 6,and another one that is 4, ok bye

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